
满足学业进步要求 (有资格获得联邦和州财政援助)

根据联邦法规, all financial aid recipients are required to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) towards their degree and be in good academic standing in order to remain eligible to receive federal and state financial aid each year. Good academic standing means that you must not be on academic probation with the university. The requirements for good academic standing are described in the “学术规范” section of the undergraduate catalog.

SAP有两个主要组件 (详情见下文):

  • 平均绩点
  • Percentage of successfully completed credits vs attempted credits (called Pace)


Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (平均绩点) to be considered in good academic standing.  Please refer to the 学术规范 for additional information on this requirement or 点击这里.  Remedial courses are calculated in the number of credit hours for a student and in the student’s cumulative grade point average.


在学生入学期间的任何时候, federal regulations require schools to ensure that students are successfully completing 67% of the credits they are attempting in order to stay on track for graduating on time. 这就是所谓的“节奏”。.

为了确定你是否符合“节奏”, divide the total number of credits you have successfully earned by the total number of credits you have attempted. Successful completion is defined as the receipt of a passing letter grade (A+ to D-) and does not include the receipt of an F (Failure), 公司(不完整), DNA(未出席), W(退出), 或U(不满意).


除了SAP的2个主要组件, financial aid eligibility is limited to accumulated attempted credit hours totaling no more than 150% of the published credit hours required to receive an undergraduate degree.  这是你获得经济援助的最长期限.  例如,一个项目需要120学时x 1.5 = 180 maximum allowable credit hours attempted for financial aid eligibility.

你在学校注册的每一个学期都会被计算在内, 即使是在你没有获得经济资助的情况下.  Transfer credits accepted by the university from other institutions will count as both hours attempted and hours completed towards the maximum credit hour limit.

  • At the end of each spring term the 金融援助 Office will check your academic transcript to make sure you have achieved the required cumulative 平均绩点, 获得所需的学分, 保持适当的速度, 而且没有留校察看.

  • 如果你没有达到令人满意的学业进步要求, you will not be eligible to receive federal or state financial aid for the next school year. 联邦财政援助包括, 但不限于, 联邦直接学生贷款, 联邦直接母公司贷款, 联邦佩尔和SEOG基金, 联邦工作研究.

  • The 金融援助 Office will mail a letter to each student who fails to maintain the minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. The letter will detail the deficiencies and the steps for reinstating your financial aid eligibility.

  • A student who is able to make good satisfactory academic progress after their next subsequent semester can appeal their academic ineligibility in order to be granted financial aid despite academic deficiencies. The student must write a detailed letter explaining the extenuating circumstances (death, 离婚, 疾病, 等)阻碍他们取得令人满意的进展. It is suggested that the letter come complete with documentation of the extenuating circumstances (death certificates, 医生的注意, 等.), and explain why they failed SAP and what has changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation period. A financial aid appeals committee made up of various members of the University community, 包括学术人员和行政人员, 会否开会覆核上诉信. Decisions to reinstate eligibility or to deny and appeal are made in a fair and equitable manner based on the information the student provided in the letter, 支持文档, 以及对学业成绩的回顾. If the student provides documentation falling under TITLE IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972 we may be required to disclose it to other university officials.

  • A financial aid appeals committee made up of various members of the university community, 包括学术人员和行政人员, 会否开会覆核上诉信.  Decisions to reinstate eligibility or deny an appeal are made in a fair and equitable manner based on the information the student provides in the letter, 证明文件和学业成绩审查.

  • If the financial aid Satisfactory Academic Probation (SAP) appeals committee approves the SAP appeal, then the student will be awarded their federal and/or state financial aid on a probationary period for one semester. 接下来的一个学期, the student must meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements to be eligible for federal and/or state financial aid for future terms.

  • 如果上诉委员会支持失去经济援助, then the student can look to apply for a private alternative loan that allows borrowing when students are not making good SAP. 或者他们需要安排付款 财务主管的办公室.